Friday, July 12, 2013

Why I Don't Watch the News

So I went to my neighbors the other day and she asked if I had heard about the tragedy of the firefighters. I had, I had seen it on facebook, but didn't know the details.

So we I logged onto a local news site and was, again, shocked at what I saw. A boy drowned in Lake Powell. A woman in Cirq de Sole died during performance. Police looking for suspect in home robbery. One Dead, one injured in Motorcycle crash on I-15. Mother charged with neglect of 2 year old.

My heart started racing. I thought of my babies. I thought of my husband. He drives home every single day. What if he got in an accident. I can't believe that lady died during the show! What terror! On the side bars were pictures of international calamities and wars. And then, there's always those few breaks from it all "Best of DownTown Abbey" and "Celebrity Maternity Styles" What is wrong with us!? We feed our minds on so much garbage! It's incredible to me sometimes.

I wish there was a way for me to know more about what is happening in my world than watching the news because, honestly, it just gives me nightmares. I KNOW there are terrible, tragic things happening all around me. But I also know there are magical, beautiful things happening all around me. I know there is evil, but I choose to focus on the good. I believe that people are mostly good. I honestly do. I say hello to strangers. When I watch the news, everybody becomes a perpetrator. I fear. That's what the news is today. Fear. Anything to get your heart racing, to make you question, to get you to say "WHA-" and stop midsentence to find out the story. It IS catchy! But it's also sick. And I don't want to think about living in a sick world.

Here's another thing. That headline "One DEAD in motorcycle crash." I read things like that and I feel no respect for that person's life! If that were MY family member, I would prefer euphemisms. Not that everything needs to be "Politically correct" (Another topic entirely) But the purpose of that title was to make you gasp and read more. There was no feeling for the family of the victim. If it is newsworthy, or if the purpose of the article 

And when there is a tragedy, a newsworthy happening, like tornadoes, floods, even bombs should probably be reported, but there needs to be respect. But there is none. Photographers find the most bloody, graphic shots they can get. There is very little EVER mentioned about the good deeds done, the people saved, the optimistic ones who can find hope, the miracles. Those things are not reported. I saw a clip a few weeks ago where the reporter was interviewing a man that had had some shrapnel hit his head. It was not a bad wound, but it bled down his face. They did not wipe it off for the interview. The man was clearly no longer in danger, and in any other circumstance would have found something to wipe his face on. But, for the sake of news, they let the blood run down his face till it was almost dry.

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