So I have a quick analogy, a good lesson in life. Saturday I was walking through my neighborhood and I saw a low hanging tree branch. I thought,
I think I can reach that. Maybe.. I was just going to jump and hang on a second. I love climbing trees, but I had both my kids in front of me. And, well, it wasn't my tree, So I was just going to see if I could grab the branch, maybe just touch it. So I looked around to make sure nobody was looking and I hopped up in the air. To my surprise, I didn't just reach it, I jumped higher! A good couple inches higher and ended up catching my wrist against the branch on the way down.
Wow. I guess I'm better than I thought. Gee wiz! What a good thought! I looked at the small scratch on my arm. Now THAT'S a good lesson. How much in life do I underestimate myself? How often do you? I think we all do it waay too much. We are so much more than we think. We have so much more capacity than we ever attempt to reach. I took a look at my goals and aspirations in life and decided there are a few things I need to change. I have some goals that I could reach with just an easy hop. So I hopped- and then set my sight on a higher branch. For example- exercise. I finished Insanity about a month ago, got a cold, and my daily exercise since has been a walk with my kids. Kind of a low branch, I think! So I started Insanity again this morning. And I'm gonna finish again. It's a pretty amazing program. If you are interested in being online accountability
buddies, let me know! Either way, hope you take this invitation to look through your goals and/or habits, see where You are underestimating yourself, and reach for something higher. (Before you scratch yourself.) Thanks for reading! Have a good day.
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