Every year in the first week or two of August, there is a meteor shower called the Perseid Meteor Shower. It’s pretty amazing and I have stayed up several different years to see the acclaimed display of stars hurling through the sky. I haven’t attempted to stay up for the past several years because, well, my wedding, pregnancies, new babies etc. have somehow taken precedence. (Imagine that.)
But this year, everything lined up perfectly and my little brother was staying at my house so he was able to stay with my sleeping babies while my husband and I snuck out to the canyon for a few hours. We didn’t go out too far because we wanted to stay close to home, but we found a little spot, spread out the blanket, and laid down hoping to see something amazing.
What we saw instead, was a lot of clouds. Thin clouds, but just enough to cover the whole sky where we were looking. I was so sad. How many times have I come out to see something spectacular, and instead, witness basically nothing!? Probably 6 or 7. I sighed, totally bummed. There was also a lot of light pollution since we weren't far enough out of the city. I thought about just going home. But, really? I want to see a light show!! So. We laid there for just a minute, then I thought to pray.
“Heavenly Father, this is a little thing, and it’s ok if it’s not in Thy plan. But we are here to see the majesty of Thy creations and we’d really like to see some shooting stars. Could you please just part the clouds for us for a little bit so we can see before we go back home? I would really appreciate it, Thanks so much.”
And suddenly, the clouds began to move. Not a lot. Not more than a usual little whispy movements. But within about 10 minutes, the sky above us was completely clear and we had a perfect view into the heavenly night sky. I looked around and noticed the cloud cover was still around, thicker into the canyon and lighter over the city, but there was just a hole for us. Just so we could look straight up and see.
I was amazed. I was humbled. I was confused. I was grateful. Non-believers may mock, but I know what I experienced! What confused me though, was WHY? I thought of the world. (It’s easy to think of all of God’s creations when you take a few moments to think of the universe.) I mean, He is coordinating all the planets and stars and even making this meteor shower a light show instead of complete earth destruction. But more than that, there are thousands, millions maybe of His children crying up to Him at any minute. There were people that night in deep financial stress. There were parents kneeling by the bedside of their beloved, dying child, there were people struggling for life. There were people lost and hungry and crying and dying and barely surviving and some thriving, but needing direction. Why would the God of Heaven and Earth bend his ear to a perfectly healthy, happy child who just wanted some entertainment? How does He listen when somebody just wants to find their keys so they are not late to work? How does it all happen? And why? Why should we pray for little things? I don’t know. I don’t know all the answers. What I DO know, though, is that God is real and that He hears and answers every, single prayer. Every, single time.
Parting the clouds for me, was extremely kind and generous and we WERE able to see at least a few shooting stars. It was a nice night. But something bigger happened for me that night. Something I will never forget. My Father in Heaven showed me how much he cares and loves me. He told me I was special and important no matter what I wanted or what else was going on in the world. He will part the clouds for me. I will part the Sea for me. In a simple act of grace, He encouraged me to reach for the stars. (Or rather, watch the stars and reach for my goals.) He will make the way possible to accomplish anything in this world!
With God, all things truly are possible. I have been spending the last few weeks trying to understand that experience and I guess it may be something I work on my entire life. But, looking at my life, I know I have divine intervention. God can help me to know how to raise and care for my beautiful children. He knows what I need to get the rent paid. He knows what I should do to make loads of money, way beyond just paycheck to paycheck. He knows what I need to do to be healthy. He can part any cloud that stands in my way: traffic, lack of knowledge, difficult relationships, tragedies, self-doubt, lost keys, death, ANYthing. God says, “Prove me now herewith, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” He shows us this again and again with the blessings poured out upon us. And sometimes gives us incredible reminders of what He will do for us.
With God, all things are possible. And I am trying to live my life to show it.